Rank of five “little things” from “really easy from me to do right” to “very difficult for me to do (right now)” are:
Water filters: because like it is said in the book that it helps you save money, and the filter only cost $29, when one gallon costs $1.29 or maybe more and you might drink more then one gallon a day depending how many people are in the household.
Trash bags: I think it is really easy to use left over paper and plastic bags as liners for your trash bags.
Pencils: I put pencils in the middle because it is easy for older students like me to use pencils that you can refill. However younger students would not be able to use such pencils because at young age their just learning to write therefore they put pressure on the pencils and with refillable pencils are very thin and soft so it might brake. On less they use the ones from recycled materials, which might cost a little more, and make harder for the parents because kids are always loosing the pencils.
Library Books: I find this one a little harder for me to do right now because when you have a research to do, sometime they ask for a book as a source. And for me I’m not too good at computers, so doing online research it not to easy for me. Plus sometimes you are in a rush and rather just take a book and read on your way. Moreover, doesn’t the computer increase the use of energy?
The temperatures: I find this very hard to do, because let’s take LaGuardia for instance over the summer, the C building is extremely cold for me, but I see people with really hardly anything on. So it is hard to control the temperature in a school because everyone body heat is different. It was actually the same in my high school; I had a friend who was always cold. In the winter time even when the heat is on, she would say that she is cold, and the temperature is okay for the rest of us.
Water filters: because like it is said in the book that it helps you save money, and the filter only cost $29, when one gallon costs $1.29 or maybe more and you might drink more then one gallon a day depending how many people are in the household.
Trash bags: I think it is really easy to use left over paper and plastic bags as liners for your trash bags.
Pencils: I put pencils in the middle because it is easy for older students like me to use pencils that you can refill. However younger students would not be able to use such pencils because at young age their just learning to write therefore they put pressure on the pencils and with refillable pencils are very thin and soft so it might brake. On less they use the ones from recycled materials, which might cost a little more, and make harder for the parents because kids are always loosing the pencils.
Library Books: I find this one a little harder for me to do right now because when you have a research to do, sometime they ask for a book as a source. And for me I’m not too good at computers, so doing online research it not to easy for me. Plus sometimes you are in a rush and rather just take a book and read on your way. Moreover, doesn’t the computer increase the use of energy?
The temperatures: I find this very hard to do, because let’s take LaGuardia for instance over the summer, the C building is extremely cold for me, but I see people with really hardly anything on. So it is hard to control the temperature in a school because everyone body heat is different. It was actually the same in my high school; I had a friend who was always cold. In the winter time even when the heat is on, she would say that she is cold, and the temperature is okay for the rest of us.
Well, I also think it is hard to get rid of books altogether. In fact, i actually prefer to read paperbacks than sit on a computer for long hours. I think, we do not need to go overboard, we just have to be more considerate. However, whenever i buy a book though, i always try to buy used books if available; their cheaper and your recycling books because your buying used rather than new.
And, yes during the summer it is extremely cold in LaGuardia. I think this is unnecessary.
I agree with your comment about the C-building being really cold in the summer, it really is unnecessary, not to mention its makes people sick (I'm one of them).
It seems that after reading the Green Book, we all found a set of things that we can do to help our environment, and save money. I have to agree with you about reading book online, I asked the same question too. Anyway, I think the good thing about this book is that it gives us the chance to choose want we want to change in our lives… What do you think?
used books and libraries rule!
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